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Mike Dolejsi

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mikers, styling and profiling

Mike "Mikers" Dolejsi is probably best known as "Sucram's older brother", even featuring as the surrogate image for the ever-shy Sucram in his Elite Contest matches. In August of 2000 during his summer break from college, Mikers entered the Perfect Dark Elite as its 32nd member. However after briefly impressing Ngamer with his early times, little improvement ever took place. Serious Perfect Dark efforts ceased in 2001 just over a year after starting.

Typically quiet (still under 1k posts in almost eight years), Mikers remains marginally active in gaming while being more attentive to the boards. Most participation is in seasonal contests like Pigskin Pick'em, NCAA Tournament, and other brief Fantasy Sports-related activities.

He also likes moonlit walks on the beach, flowers, and Kenny G. ...hey! Who wrote that crap!?

External Links

The 2008 Elite Summer Contest
Full Bracket | First Vote | Euro First Vote | Spread Betting | Matchups, Results & VotDs

Jimbo's Dead Weight
Clemens | Cara | Plum | Alecboy*
YE | Dayle | Food | Mgay
Jimbo | Mouse | Axel (OB) | Penev
Lec | Posterland | Boss | Berube

Ace | Cook | Moore | packattack
Sterling | Swaff | mostfrantic | Lovins
Matis | Sucram | DK | Zwartjes
Henrik | Darren | Dirk | Goose

din mor's bedroom
Wouter | Reds | ST | MLM
Wes | SZ | Comet | Graves
Otto | Axel Z | Red Bull | Graham
Paragon | mikers | Harvey | Silver Angel

...but I'm Not BloodE
PDO | Alex H | Coops | Youse
Phil H | BloodE | Wabs | Bozon
Illu | mallow | Triep | Alex A
bcks | wiff | gg | Patrik

Woll | ChodhE | Fro | PYL
Henning | Eise | Jones | Neo
Trent | Kingpin | marsh | drag
Mark R | octo | Leonardo | sdkess

Disco | Motox | Cyberwrath | Nodjo
Lark | QB | Kent | Vick
Jack | Simon | Infil | Dman
Expert | Come | Taka | Bizi

Very Very Fine
FB | Gragz | wheat | Greneby
Sam | Nate | Laércio | FW
Durk | Zeebo | Cervone | Matt8000
Greg K. | S. Eagle | Shade | Booth

Partying With Lemons
Karl | Thiradell | Fal | PSK
Luke | Sad | Zerg | Snap
SupaOdin | Garrett | kats | Shep
Nari | Matthijs | Bauer | MrGuru