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Karl Jobst

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Karl Jobst

Karl Jobst has been one of the most widely known and incredible gamers in The Elite since his arrival in 1999.


Aside from writing a great Goldeneye Fast Times Guide at GameFAQs, he went on to become one of the best players in the world, peaking at 2nd in Points and setting incredible World Records, including the longest standing World Record in Runway Secret Agent 0:23, though it's been tied by many since its' conception in 2001, and as of June 2012, beaten by Bryan Bosshardt in 0:22.

Perfect Dark

After burning out in Goldeneye, Karl focused on Perfect Dark, where he completely blew away any competition to become the most dominant champion ever seen.

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The 2013 Elite Summer Contest
Full Bracket | First Vote | Spread Betting | Matchups, Results & VotDs

1. Luke | 8. Trent/Neo
4. YE | 5. Mirrormage
3. Carathorn | 6. Edeen
2. DK | 7. Matis/CEDRIC

1. Ace | 8. Comet/OD
4. Lockwood | 5. Bozon
3. Durk | 6. wiff
2. Alex | 7. Jimmy/Mgay

The Happy Place
1. Karl | 8. Nate/Alecboy
4. fanny | 5. Softman
3. Axel Z | 6. Woll
2. Inkosi | 7. Jones/Come

The Top Ten (in time)
1. Jimbo | 8. BloodE/Red Bull
4. Eise | 5. Koch
3. Patrik | 6. Lovins
2. Goose | 7. Thiradell/Wodahs