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Alex Anderson

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Alex Anderson

Alex Anderson was one of the fastest-rising newcomers to The Elite when he arrived in 2004.


In less than a year, Alex reached the Top 10 in Goldeneye, achieving several amazing World Records along the way. His activity may have waned from when he peaked in 5th place and tied Bunker 2 Agent 0:24 (longest standing untied at the time), but his skill certainly has not as he still plays occasionally to fulfill some unfinished personal goals.

Alex was one of the first players to have proven all 60 PRs, and has many videos depicting easier strategies, which have been very helpful to newer players. He also developed new strategies that helped with lowering the existing World Records, including discovering a better route on Frigate Secret Agent and a strat to manually open the double doors on Archives.

In addition to Goldeneye, Alex had a brief Perfect Dark career that saw him enter the Top 100 and pick up the Defection Agent World Record.


Alex has held the title of Elite StarCraft Champion since August of 2004 (despite a number of retirements). He started playing StarCraft in Grade 11 of High School when he was 16 and competed on and off for pretty much the next six years until his final retirement in December 2007. During this active period he went undefeated against all Elite competition - all very decisive wins.

Outside the Elite Alex played competitively, achieving 2nd in a provincial LAN and was asked to play for the Canadian B team a few times. He was a random player, with zerg as his best, and would be ranked around B+ PGT.

rshepherd1000 (20:08:33): so you could take on say 10 of jon?
l34ss l3oost (20:08:52): hmmm depends if they use their minds or not. but probly 5


Alex Anderson is currently playing NES/SNES games alot, occasional GE speedrunning, and not playing runescape ATM. Retired from starcraft indefinitely.

External Links

The 2013 Elite Summer Contest
Full Bracket | First Vote | Spread Betting | Matchups, Results & VotDs

1. Luke | 8. Trent/Neo
4. YE | 5. Mirrormage
3. Carathorn | 6. Edeen
2. DK | 7. Matis/CEDRIC

1. Ace | 8. Comet/OD
4. Lockwood | 5. Bozon
3. Durk | 6. wiff
2. Alex | 7. Jimmy/Mgay

The Happy Place
1. Karl | 8. Nate/Alecboy
4. fanny | 5. Softman
3. Axel Z | 6. Woll
2. Inkosi | 7. Jones/Come

The Top Ten (in time)
1. Jimbo | 8. BloodE/Red Bull
4. Eise | 5. Koch
3. Patrik | 6. Lovins
2. Goose | 7. Thiradell/Wodahs