Adam Matis

Adam Matis during the 2010 VA meet!

Adam Matis joined The Elite in early 2002.

First going by the name of GoldenForce006, Adam is now well known on The Elite Boards as 'Matabird' which is an old wrestling nickname. Since joining he has worked his way up the Goldeneye ranks, achieving 5 World Records, peaking at 24th in his first stint of activity and ultimately reaching the Top 20. Along the way he contributed to the strategy of using two mines on the bottling tanks in Facility, which has helped others achieve World Records on the level. Adam has not played in 2008 so far but is very active on the boards and you can usually find him in Goldeneye or General Chat and FFA forums.

In addition to Goldeneye, Adam plays SSB Brawl very competitively while entering tournaments and become a really gamer. Adam mains Pokémon Trainer and is currently the best in Southern California. He is also ranked 2nd best with his character for US, Mexico and Canada. Adam's athletic skills are also well shown by his ninja-like ability to walk on his hands and do backflips off of walls. Adam has not worked out in a long time but can still whoop ass...even though his good friend Eddie Lovins makes fun of him consistently for being weak now. in his spare time Adam draws, plays games, and long boarding. Making fun of Jimbo is one of his highest priorities.

Adam graduated from Fullsail University with a degree in Computer Animation. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California. He works in Venice as a Compositor or Visual Effects artist. Current films he has helped make are The Green Hornet, Water For Elephants, Conan and Horrible Bosses.

Adam also went to the Virgina meet in 07, 08, 09 and 10 where he made it very well known that his actions on the boards are equal to his craziness in person. He proved is competitive nature in Goldeneye multiplayer. With a loss in his third match he came back and won 9 more matches placing 2nd in the tournament. In 2010 with the practice from "The Ohio Crew" Adam placed 4th in the Goldeneye Tournament. Most would say that Adam is one of the sexiest gamers you will ever meet. EVER.

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The 2013 Elite Summer Contest
Full Bracket | First Vote | Spread Betting | Matchups, Results & VotDs

1. Luke | 8. Trent/Neo
4. YE | 5. Mirrormage
3. Carathorn | 6. Edeen
2. DK | 7. Matis/CEDRIC

1. Ace | 8. Comet/OD
4. Lockwood | 5. Bozon
3. Durk | 6. wiff
2. Alex | 7. Jimmy/Mgay

The Happy Place
1. Karl | 8. Nate/Alecboy
4. fanny | 5. Softman
3. Axel Z | 6. Woll
2. Inkosi | 7. Jones/Come

The Top Ten (in time)
1. Jimbo | 8. BloodE/Red Bull
4. Eise | 5. Koch
3. Patrik | 6. Lovins
2. Goose | 7. Thiradell/Wodahs