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Alex Hantson

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Alex Hantson is a Swiss MKDD player but he also plays the other MK games. He joined the community in 2005 and has played MKDD for 2 years with breaks. He is actually the best ranked Swiss MKDD player and has 31/32 Country Records. Then he started playing other Mario Kart games, starting with MKDS, following with the N64 version of the game, getting a MKSC from a friend made him join the site as well, and purchasing a SMK game from Cedric Leutwyler from the Swiss Power team so he could train and be part of them one day. And finally, didn't get a MK Wii game yet but has played it a little.

With a good rank on the combined charts, he was N°1 swiss combined MK player before his rival Fabien Da Silva joined in. He is actually 2nd and stopped playing Mario Kart games in Time Trial mode since 2008.
