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Silo (part i of mission 3: Kirghzistan) is the sixth level in GoldenEye 007. The formal name for this level is Soviet Missile Launch Silo #4. This level features a countdown timer; all objectives must be cleared and the end of the level reached before the timer elapses.

World Records
Difficulty Time First achieved by
Agent 0:59 Marc Rützou on 2019-07-01
Secret Agent 1:07 Marc Rützou on 2017-11-03
00 Agent 1:21 Rayan Isran on 2014-07-10
LTK 2:07 Bryan B. on 2019-12-29
DLTK 8:16 Bryan B. on 2016-03-12


Bond must make his way to the end of the level before the countdown finishes. It is required to take a picture of the satellite. 00 Agent and higher difficulties must place explosives in the main rooms, and will benefit from quick pausing.

There is some variation with how accurately the countdown timer syncs to the in-game timer.



a. Photograph satellite
b. Minimize scientist casualties

Secret Agent

a. Photograph satellite
b. Obtain telemetric data
c. Retrieve satellite circuitry
d. Minimize scientist casualties

00 Agent

a. Plant bombs in fuel rooms
b. Photograph satellite
c. Obtain telemetric data
d. Retrieve satellite circuitry
e. Minimize scientist casualties

Technical Details


There are 15 patrolling guards. [1]

There are 6 guards who are completely inactive until you reach a certain height value, which they are always checking for. Afterwards, they become normal guards. I'm pretty sure these are the ones near Ouromov.

All crate guards are targeting guards.



Secret Agent

00 Agent



External Links


  1. Icy. "the-elite forum Goldeneye facts post on guard AI". Retrieved July 16, 2021.
GoldenEye 007 solo missions