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Andrew Math

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Andrew Math is a MKDD player. Without a doubt Andrew is one of the best players in the world under the age of 13 and is constantly making cuts that make us Americans shiver. After being reinstated for speculation of cheating he has proven to have skills and is currently the USA champion at Myth + overall. Andrew has twenty-seven USA records,and six WRs, and shows promise for more. He was awarded POM in June 2006 and currently has eighteen God times, and twelve Myth times. He's currently ranked 2nd in 60hz and 9th overall.

Besides his obvious obsession with Mario Kart, he likes to read, ride dirt bikes, and hang out with his best buddies. He also enjoys other video games like SSBM, Monkey Ball and Mario 64.

External Links

The 2012 Karter Contest
Round 1 Groups | Round 2+ Bracket | Matchups & Results

(BOLD indicates contest winner)

(1) Enchanted Woods Creatures
(2) cool not
(3) Wop Wop Wop
(4) nice wr
(5) Raphael Nadal Super Fans
(6) I <3 Shemales
(7) 100% Hetrosexual
(8) Move It Move It

Finn | Duff | Eoj | Aron
Thingy | Cole | RVZ | Firewaster
Roy | MVT | G-Danzee | Mihawk
Zarkov | Chraizy | NMeade | nstins
Etch | Neo | Utter | Brutus
Sword | sn1989 | TB1 | Math
Pierre | Pobre | MrL | Genesis
KoopZ | ALAK | LeeBoon | Oneshot

Honko | Shock | Frigz | NikeXTC
Zwiebel | BPA | padz | Happy
Spril | Sully | Make That Jump | ShitoRyo
KVD | Web | Kouider | Abel
Mick | Vince | Mario86 | Kmacc
Boom3r | TJazz | TvL | Meaks
MJ | Tuomas | Lafungo | Fank
Jones | Booth | Camster | Shaun

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